CBD for pets

Pets are so much more than “just animals” – they’re family! And family is something to take good care of. As the popularity of Cannabidiol continues to sweep the US, many are interested in seeing if CBD can help their pets. We’ve answered some of the most common questions we hear when people are looking into CBD for animals!

  1. Is CBD safe for my pet?
    • Yes! Every animal – from common pets like cats or dogs, to larger animals like horses and cows – is equipped with the same types of cannabinoid receptors as us (this is called the Endocannabinoid System). It can be a great idea to add CBD to your pet’s diet. READ MORE
  2. Why give animals CBD?
    • Common reasons include reducing anxiousness, supporting overall health, promoting appetite, easing discomfort, and more! READ MORE
  3. What should I look for when buying CBD for my pet?
    • It’s important to make sure you’re giving your pet reliable, clean CBD products! Make sure you’re buying from brands (like us!) that conduct third-party tests on their products to ensure that they’re as potent as they say they are and that they’re free of things like pesticides, mold, metals, etc. READ MORE
  4. How much CBD should I give my cat or dog?
    • Just like with people, how much CBD your pet needs will be unique! It’s always best to start small (1-3 drops) and give more as you see fit. READ MORE


Is CBD safe for my pet?

It sure is! And science backs it up. In our opinion, one of the coolest developments related to cannabis was the discovery of the ECS (Endocannabinoid System) by researchers in the 1990s. While research is still being conducted into the many roles this system plays in the body, the most important takeaway here is that every animal (vertebrates and invertebrates alike) has an ECS. In fact, the first known animals to express cannabinoid receptors were the sea squirts, which evolved over 600 million years ago!

This system in the body helps with the regulation of functions like sleep, appetite, the immune system, and more – and its incredible discovery means that every animal has the innate capability to regulate the effects of cannabinoids, whether they’re the body’s own natural endocannabinoids (did you know you produce your own cannabinoids?!) or plant-derived phytocannabinoids, such as CBD and THC.

Knowing that our pets are naturally equipped with cannabinoid receptors, just like us, has many people turning to CBD for the incredible potential benefits that these products may provide for their pets! To learn more, you can read our blog about how the ECS affects the body here.

While many people may (understandably) be concerned about getting their pets “stoned”, CBD products for pets are formulated specifically to be non-intoxicating and cannot contain more than 0.3% total THC.

Why give animals CBD?

Common reasons people give CBD to their pets include reducing anxiousness, helping with pain relief, easing general discomfort, promoting a healthier appetite, encouraging better sleep cycles, and more. And with no more than 0.3% total THC, CBD products for pets are formulated to be non-intoxicating. Our Companion tinctures are made using full-spectrum, pesticide-free hemp grown in the Pacific Northwest!


What should I look for when buying CBD for my pet?

If you’re looking for CBD for your pets, quality should be the biggest determining factor! The ingredients used should be things you’re familiar with and can pronounce, and it’s important to choose something that’s specifically formulated for pets. For example, at Fairwinds, we use avocado oil as the base for all of our tinctures except Companion Pet Support – because coconut oil is healthier for animals like dogs, cats, and others!

You also want to make sure you’re buying from a brand that tests their products via an unbiased third party to confirm there are no pesticides present. Some companies (like Fairwinds!) also go an extra step and test for molds, metals, mycotoxins, and other gross things you wouldn’t want to give your animals – or yourself. It’s also important to see if the brand you’re buying from tests for potency so that you can rest assured you’re getting what you’re paying for.


How much CBD should I give my cat or dog?

The most common dosage guideline for pets is 1mg of CBD for every 5lbs of weight, but there’s no way to guarantee this amount will be right for every animal. Some may need more, and others less – just like people, every animal has their own unique tolerance and absorption rates for CBD. You can check out the two different potencies of our Companion tincture by clicking here!

All of the things we’ve discussed are important when it comes to human consumption, too! The biggest difference is that as humans, we have the ability to assess our own needs & understand the effects of different products. Since our animal companions don’t have that ability to share with us, these factors are of crucial importance when it comes to selecting what CBD product to give to your pet. When giving CBD to your pets, it’s imperative to start small. More tincture or treats can always be given, but it doesn’t work the opposite way. As the effects of CBD can take up to two hours to be felt, it’s always recommended to wait for at least two hours before potentially administering any more CBD.

Still have more questions about CBD and your pet? Feel free to send us an email at support@fairwindscbd.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

CBD and Athletic Performance

Optimal performance is all about finding balance – cannabinoids can help achieve that. Here’s how!

1: Improved focus, endurance, and power output

Cannabinoids (especially CBD) can help to increase brain and nervous system function – thereby increasing athletic performance! CBD can also assist with maintaining the euphoria experienced frequently after strenuous workouts; CBD helps to slow the degradation of Anandamide, one of the body’s two known endocannabinoids (naturally-occurring cannabinoids) and the compound now thought to be responsible for eliciting the runner’s high.

2: Shortened recovery time

CBD is clinically proven to not only subdue the receptors in our nervous system that cause us to notice and feel pain, but to reduce the presence and production of enzymes called prostaglandins which cause inflammation – thereby reducing further pain. Say goodbye to prolonged muscle soreness!

3: Enhanced breathing capability

Cannabinoids are proven bronchodilators. This means that, despite what may be popular belief, cannabis products can actually help to increase airflow to the lungs and can decrease resistance in the airways.

4: Reduced need for NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen

Most NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) inhibit protein synthesis, but cannabinoids do not. Because CBD reduces inflammation instead of simply dulling pain signals, it can be a much safer and more effective choice for athletes suffering from inflammation-related pain. Additionally, NSAID pain relievers can cause various health problems with extended use, including liver toxicity, stomach ulcers, and more; these issues can be exacerbated in endurance athletes. CBD use has not been shown to cause any of these same problems – just one more reason it may be a healthier and more effective alternative. Some athletes have actually been able to completely replace NSAID use by taking CBD products!

5: Improved homeostasis

One of the primary functions of the ECS (endocannabinoid system, a natural system found in every vertebrate and invertebrate) is maintaining balance and homeostasis in the body. In addition to this, the ECS helps to regulate functions such as digestion, sleep, memory, and more. CBD can help promote balance; many people who do not consume any type of cannabis products may have endocannabinoid deficiencies.

While cannabinoids have not shown clinically-proven effects that could cause them to be considered as performance-enhancing drugs, their legality in competitive sports use is still frequently dependent on an individual sport or coach. However, due to its lack of intoxicating effects and proven inability to be considered performance-enhancing, CBD was taken off of the WADA (World Anti-Doping Association) list of prohibited substances in 2018! This means that all athletes should be able to use this cannabinoid prior to and after performance in competitive sporting events, in addition to casual workouts and practices. So what are you waiting for? Try adding CBD to your workout routine to see if it helps your athletic performance as much as it has helped countless others.

*These statements have not been approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

Difference between hemp & cannabis

What’s the difference?

As a CBD brand based out of the Pacific Northwest (where recreational cannabis consumption is legal and dispensary storefronts can be found as easily as coffee shops), one of the questions we are asked most frequently is, “What’s the difference between hemp and cannabis?”. The short answer: it’s really just semantics.

In an industry like ours, transparency and honesty are so important. While there is no shortage of brands claiming that their CBD products are “not from cannabis” this is, unfortunately, a misleading statement. There is no hemp plant that is not a member of the cannabis family. So, if all CBD products are in fact derived from cannabis just like their high-THC counterparts, why are they given different names?

When it comes to the cannabis plant genus, there are three known species:

  1. Cannabis Sativa
  2. Cannabis Indica
  3. Cannabis Ruderalis

Each of these subspecies carries its own genetic makeup, produces its flowers in different ways, and is naturally made up of different cannabinoid concentrations, terpenes, and more. And while Indica and Sativa are words used commonly when it comes to discussing the effect profiles of different cannabis chemovars (or strains), the difference between them lies more in the genetic makeup of the plants themselves. There’s plenty of great information available about each of these unique species, so let’s break this down a little bit further…

1 – Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis Sativa plants tend to grow wild in warmer, more tropical climates – such as Jamaica, Central America, etc – and generally require a longer time to mature before they are ready to be harvested. Sativa plants will have narrow, thin fan leaves and will usually grow much taller/lankier than their Indica cousins. Generally speaking, cultivars harvested from this species of plant will produce terpenes (flavonoids; the essential oils of cannabis) with more euphoric, uplifting effects – hence why people will ask for “Sativas” when shopping for cannabis that provides more daytime-oriented or energizing effects.

2 – Cannabis Indica

    Cannabis Indica plants are just about the polar opposite of their Sativa cousins when it comes to appearance, and are not always similar in effect, either. Indica plants tend towards wild growth in colder climates – the mountain ranges of India and Nepal are known for producing some of the finest cannabis in the world not grown by human hands – and grow bushier, shorter, and more stout than Sativas. Usually, Cannabis Indica cultivars will produce terpenes that lean towards a more calming, sedative effect – this is why shoppers will frequently ask for “Indicas” when seeking cannabis that may be geared more towards end-of-day use.

3 – Cannabis Ruderalis

    Cannabis Ruderalis, more commonly referred to as the hemp plant, is the third and final member of the cannabis plant family. Ruderalis plants grow natively in Central/Eastern Europe and parts of Russia, and were used originally for their fiber production. These hardy, fibrous plants rarely grow larger than two feet tall in the wild; however, due in part to trading along the Silk Road and genetic drift, you can find taller, lankier versions of this species growing in mountainous regions to which they aren’t originally native! While there has been some debate over whether Ruderalis qualifies as its own species or is a member of the Sativa species, the fact that Ruderalis plants naturally produce THC in such minimal quantities (a plant must produce 0.3% THC or less to qualify as hemp or Ruderalis) has helped to secure its position as a separate species.

If all CBD products come from cannabis plants, then where does the term “hemp” originate from? Why are these products treated and regulated with such drastic differences if they essentially come from the same place?

All genetic differences and species variation aside, a cannabis plant only qualifies as “hemp” if it produces less than 0.3% THC by volume. This quantity concentration of THC is completely arbitrary – in the 1970s, Canadian scientist and researcher Ernest Small published a book called The Species Problem With Cannabis where he discussed the fact that there is no real, definitive cannabinoid concentration at which to separate the “cannabis” plant from the “hemp” plant. It was decided that a potency of 0.3% THC (or less) by weight equating to “hemp” would work as a temporary solution – yet this randomly-decided number has held for the past 4, nearing 5, decades. And despite the ever-growing appreciation for and acceptance of CBD products, many people are still not at all comfortable consuming products with the word “cannabis” in the name for fear of getting high.


Coming from the Washington retail cannabis market, another question we often receive is, “Is this product made using cannabis? I don’t want to get high”. While we do create many completely THC-free products, we also fully understand and appreciate the value of the entourage effect – which very much includes at least trace quantities of THC (though never more than 0.3% total). From our experience as well as from clinically-conducted research, there is nothing comparable to the power of the full plant. We believe that people deserve and can have it all: the complete truth about the science and chemistry behind their products, as well as the confidence that something they try has the potential to help them, without leaving them feeling intoxicated.

Jar of hemp oil

What is CBD?

What is CBD? 

CBD has been soaring in popularity across the US and the rest of the globe lately. But just what exactly is CBD? Short for Cannabidiol, CBD is one of around a hundred identified chemical compounds, called phytocannabinoids, produced by the cannabis (hemp) plant. Its surge in popularity is due to its wealth of potential benefits; it’s becoming commonplace for people to incorporate CBD products into their daily routines for any number of reasons. In fact, according to a Gallup poll conducted in 2019, over 29 million American adults are regularly consuming at least one CBD product! Celebrated for its capability to assist its consumers with a variety of ailments without sacrificing functionality or mental clarity, CBD is quickly solidifying its well-deserved place near the top of the ever-growing mountain of wellness products.

How does CBD work?  

CBD affects its users by interacting with cannabinoid receptors; which receptors it connects with is dependent on which type of product or method of consumption is used. There are two types of known cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, each of which are located in different areas of the body and which each perform their own unique tasks. CB1 receptors are primarily located in the brain throughout the CNS (Central Nervous System); CB2 receptors can be found in small quantities in the brain as well as the pancreas and bones, but are more commonly found throughout the dermis and in immune cells.

Who can benefit from CBD? Why are these products so popular?

Just about anyone! One of the most appealing things about CBD as a supplement or wellness product is that it is not likely to interfere with most people’s functionality or clear-headedness throughout the day, making it an easy (for many, seamless) addition into a health and wellness routine. People of all ages and from all walks of life have found CBD to be helpful for a plethora of needs.

How do CBD and THC interact with each other? 

There are quite a few differences between these two primary cannabinoids. THC (short for tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main component responsible for providing the sensation of being “high” that is commonly associated with cannabis use. However, THC also possesses its own myriad potential health benefits in addition to providing the euphoric sensation many are familiar with. While CBD is frequently touted as non-psychoactive, that’s not entirely correct. Since it does interact with receptors in the brain and can provide a general sense of well-being, it’s more accurate to refer to CBD as non-intoxicating instead. These two compounds play very well in tandem with each other; in fact, one cannabinoid will perform at its best when another is present in at least small quantities! This is due to something referred to as the Entourage Effect.

What is the ECS, and what does it do?

The ECS (Endocannabinoid System) is responsible for producing and regulating the body’s own naturally-occurring cannabinoids. These are known as endocannabinoids! There are two known ECs: 2-AG and Anandamide. The ECS is in charge of regulating phytocannabinoids (such as THC and/or CBD) introduced to the bloodstream via the consumption of cannabis products. A healthy, well-functioning ECS is crucial when it comes to maintaining homeostasis in the body! The ECS is responsible for helping to control and regulate several bodily functions, including but not limited to hunger, digestion, sleep, motor control, body temperature, and immune function.

What is the difference between phytocannabinoids and endocannabinoids?

Endocannabinoids are chemical compounds (such as 2-AG and Anandamide) that are produced naturally in the body. Phytocannabinoids, on the other hand, are plant-based compounds (such as THC, CBD, CBG, and more). These cannabinoids are regulated by the ECS and other internal systems once introduced to the body.

What is the difference between hemp and cannabis/marijuana?

There isn’t much of one! All cannabis compounds come from the same family of plants; there are different species in this small family which produce different cannabinoids in different quantities, but any brand that lauds their CBD products as “not containing cannabis” or “not derived from cannabis” is merely trying to avoid the potential fear or negative stigma associated with the words “cannabis” or “marijuana”. All CBD is sourced from the different species of cannabis (Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruteralis); there are no other natural means to the end of accessing that cannabinoid. The biggest difference in how these products are classified is drawn from their THC concentration; anything classified as “hemp-derived” must contain 0.3% THC potency or less! For more info on this, check out our difference between hemp and cannabis blog.

How can someone consume CBD products?

Common methods of health-conscious consumption include:

  • Oral (chewable edibles, drinks, capsules, etc)
  • Sublingual (tinctures, mints, hard candies, etc)
  • Topical (creams, gels, etc)


*These statements have not been approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.